On June 23, 2015, the Association "PERPATO" participated in the program entitled "Exploring the Paralympic Movement" at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, which focuses on the sensitivities of the public and the abilities of people with motor sights impairments. The program was aimed at children from 6 to 16 years old and its duration was 15 minutes per group of children. Overall, the Paralympic sports that the children experienced were wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball, goalball, weightlifting, wheelchair fencing, boccia, as well as the use of a wheelchair.
Specifically, the fencing was presented by the Paralympic Athletes/s of the National Fencing Team Kelly Loufakis, EFI Vlami and Vassilis Dounis, the volleyball sitting Paralympian Sakis Kostaris, the goalball the technician of the Greek Paralympic Committee Vassilis Kalyvas and the use of a wheelchair Paralympian Alexandros Taxildaris. Throughout the event, volunteers contributed significantly, who were trained before the start of the program by the Paralympians and the club's staff.